Saturday, 21 January 2017

Research for Magazine Advertisement

After interviewing our female target audience of 18-25 year olds, their main magazines that they read are Vogue, Glamour, Cosmopolitan, Company and Elle. This is so they can get the latest updates on fashion, to get some good make up tips and read what some celebrities have been up too. Some music magazines that they have said that they read are Rolling Stones, Billboard and Q. Most of out target audience said that they are more likely to buy adverts which are appealing such as colouring and where fans can find a direct link from the poster to their music and what the artists image is about.

After researching different types of magazine for our genre we carried out a questionnaire of 5 questions asking our target audience what they would expect to find in a magazine Advert for music. We asked questions such as do you look out for make up and hair style in the Advert and what kind of colours do you expect. They came back and said they would prefer neutral colours and like natural make up to relate to the artist more because it fits in with the genre of music.

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